New York Office
244 Madison Avenue #1018
New York, NY 10016
Paris Office
8-10 rue de Valmy
93100 Montreuil
Téléphone :
Welcome to LWB International's website!
LWB works to ensure that every man, woman and child in the world has access to libraries, information, education and culture so that they can live with dignity and fulfill their full potential.
Libraries Without Borders Headquarters
New York Office
244 Madison Avenue #1018
New York, NY 10016
Paris Office
8-10 rue de Valmy
93100 Montreuil
Téléphone :
Libraries Without Borders Warehouse (Book Donations)
ZA de la Couronne des Prés
66, avenue des Paitis
78680 Epône
Telephone: +33 09 51 43 53 17
Hours of Operation:
10am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
Contact us via e-mail
Contact our team
Book Collection (Paris)