
Libraries without Borders is an association under the 1901 Associations French law. It is chaired by an Executive Board of 24 members, elected by the General Assembly, constituted by the totality of LWB's members. In the US, LWB is a nonprofit organization 501(c)(3), also chaired by a Board.

A word from our Chairman

Patrick Weil

Historian, visiting professor at Yale Law School and Senior Research Fellow at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS, France)

In 2007 we founded a nonprofit that seeks to improve access to information, education and culture in the world.

We believed that access to books, to information, and to knowledge required a new kind of mobilization and innovation, and that libraries represented this future where, through the use of new tools and digital technologies, everyone could have access to culture.

We thus sought to reinvent the 21st century library in all its forms. Whether digital or physical, mobile or fixed, libraries give everyone the tools to understand and change the world.

I am proud of the results so far that have allowed Libraries Without Borders to play a novel and significant role in the humanitarian and international communities.

More than a decade ago, we were already driven by the ambition to create a library that would constantly evolve and reinvent itself to better address the major challenges our society faces. That same ambition is now shared by a growing community including our financial and operational parnters, our volutneers, our members and donors, our staff in our offices and those on the ground, of course, and all the individuals and organizations – more and more every day – who collaborate with us in a variety of ways. Together, we are inventing new ways in which libraries can transform and improve the lives of their users.

Board of Directors - United States

Member of Board

Jean-Marie Lambert


Patrick Weil

Historian, Senior Research Fellow at the CNRS, visiting professor at Yale Law School

Executive Committee

Katherine Reisner

Counselor, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Treasurer of the Board

Nicholas C.E. Walter

Counsel Jones Day

Member of the Board

Ramona Nadaff

Publisher, Professor of Rhetoric at UC Berkeley

Member of Board

Rebecca Duane

Adjunct Assistant Professor, NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Member of the Board

Owen M. Fiss

Professor, Yale Law School

Member of Board

Nate Hill

Executive Director, Metropolitan New York Library Council

Member of Board

Mary Lee Kennedy

Executive Director, Association of Research Libraries

Member of Board

Jo Ling Kent

Senior Business and Tech Correspondent at CBS News

Member of Board

Amber Koonce

NAACP Legal Defense Fund/Fried Frank Fellow

Member of Board

Sara McDougall

Professor, John Jay College and the CUNY Graduate Center

Member of Board

Antonio García Padilla

Dean Emeritus, University of Puerto Rico School of Law

Member of the Board

Eric Parrie

Teacher at Colleagiate Academies

Member of board

Gary Stewart

Managing Director, Techstars NYC CEO, FounderTribes

Member of the Board

Chelsea Stieber

Assistant Professor, Catholic University of America

Member of Baoard

Tse-Sung Wu

Biotech Drug Development Leader

Member of Board

Peter Sahlins

Professor of History at UC Berkeley

Member of the Board

Yves-André Istel

Senior Advisor to Rothschild Global Advisory – Member of the Global Financial Advisory Compliance Committee

Board of Directors - France


Patrick Weil

Historian, Senior Research Fellow at the CNRS, visiting professor at Yale Law School

Deputy Chairman

Geneviève Brisac

Writer and editor

Deputy Chairman

Olivier Bassuet

Producer, So Films


Ghislaine Hudson

Former Principal of the Lycée Français de New York, Honorary Principal, France

Deputy treasurer

Julien Serignac

Counselor at Paris administrative court

Member of Board

Peter Sahlins

Professor of History at UC Berkeley

Member of Board

Véronique Brachet

Retired, former Press Relations Manager of Radio France

Member of the Board

Arnaud Delalande


Member of the Board

Christian Connan

Former French ambassador to Mali, Haiti and Cambodia

Member of the Board

Constance Rivière

Member of the Board

Eros Sana

Journalist, social activist, France

Member of the Board

Mary Fleming


Member of the Board

Yves-André Istel

Senior Advisor to Rothschild Global Advisory – Member of the Global Financial Advisory Compliance Committee

Member of Board

Jean-Baptiste Soufron


Member of the Board

Thierry Marembert

Lawyer at the Paris Bar

Member of the Board

Anna Soravito

Former Programs Director at BSF

Member of the Board

Frédéric Régent

Lecturer at Paris I University – Panthéon-Sorbonne, and professor at the University of the French West Indies and Guiana, Guiana

Member of the Board

Allister Chang

DC Board of Education Member Ward 2

Member of the Board

Eric Jozsef

Member of the Board

Jamel Oubechou

Member of the Board

Jean-Louis De Brouwer

Founding Member & Product Manager in Applied Artificial Intelligence at Xerox

Member of the Board

Sandra Lagumina

Member of the Board

Arielle Scwhab

Member of the Board

Katie Burke

Member of the Board

Silvère Mercier

Librarian, in charge of mediation and digital innovations at the Bibliothèque Publique d’Information (BPI), France

Member of the Board

Lila Azam Zanganeh


Member of the Board

Florence De la Pradelle


Board of Directors - Belgium


Tristan Storme

Member of the Board

Jean-Louis De Brouwer

Founding Member & Product Manager in Applied Artificial Intelligence at Xerox

Board of Directors - Italia


Patrick Weil

Historian, Senior Research Fellow at the CNRS, visiting professor at Yale Law School


Eric Jozsef

Director of BSF Italia Organisation

Ilaria Gaudiello


Simon Bordenave