- 8 March 2017

The Digital Travelers: A Program for Digital Introduction and Literacy

Photo d'un garçon faisant de la programmation lors d'un atelier VDC


The Code Travelers is a program for introducing underserved populations to computer programing and coding. Through this program, BSF has also been training and raising awareness among students on the importance of computer programming, especially as a professional skill.

To accomplish this, the Code Travelers draws on a network of clubs created by IT volunteers that organize workshops for ad hoc initiation and long cycles of training in relay structures such as libraries, community centers, schools, and social centers.

The Code Travelers co-construct their program through a web platform run by LWB (voyageursducode.fr), relying on tools like codecademy.com, a learning platform completely free and open to all, adapted into French by the LWB team.


In the past 2 years, more than 3000 children, adolescents, and their families have been using the program and visiting the 80 clubs that exist in 25 cities of France.


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