Despite higher funding than the European country average and important positive developments recently, the Belgian educational system remains inequitable, achieving global results lower than average. To face these problems Belgium launched, in 2014, the “Pact of Excellence” (Pacte d’excellence) a large education reform that seeks the collaboration of educational contributors from all around the world to rise to the challenge of improving Belgian education “in equity, performance, modernity, and efficiency.”
BSF launched a project for the diffusion of Khan Academy in Francophone Belgium, over a period of three years.
BSF accompanies a community of teachers, tutors, or volunteers within the Homework School system that relies on the platform to better help the students in their learning of math, sciences, and new technologies.
This digital learning tool allows them to save time, notably on correcting exercises, allowing them to dedicate more time to each individual student, especially those in need.
Performance monitoring tools are also available to instructors, which enables them to more precisely detect the skills to reinforce for their students.
15 teachers/tutors and their students.