Young Leaders is a project incubation program over 16 months that aims to develop a new generation of cultural entrepreneurs able to carry out projects with a strong social impact.
Between workshops, the 10 youths of the program were accompanied in the creation and improvement of their professional projects: to establish an information center in the city of Mbour, to create a municipal library in the city of Pikine, to develop an online system of information for the Medical Imaging Service of the Aristide Le Dantec de Dakar hospital, establish a documentary portal for the students of the African Centre for Higher Studies in Management, to name a few of the initiatives.
The presentation of the certificates of achievement took place in November 29, 2016, in Dakar. One of the Young Leaders, winner of a competition of concept notes, will receive 2000 € to develop his mobile library project.
10 French-speaking, Senegalese librarians and cultural entrepreneurs.