South Africa

Alliance 3.0: Ideas Cube in French Alliances

Alliance 3.0: KoomBooks in Alliances Françaises

Since June 2017, Bibliothèques Sans Frontières has worked with the Alliance Française Foundation to create digital KoomBook libraries within the networks of Alliances Françaises in Mauritania, Madagascar, and South Africa. In total, 36 KoomBooks were installed in the three countries. In November and December, sessions were held in the three capitals to train personnel how to use a KoomBook and increase their digital skill-set, while encouraging the creation of educational resources to better understand the concept of cultural mediation.

With the goal of making the libraries in the Alliances Françaises more attractive and visited more often, the project provides staff with thousands of digital resources, including cultural activities and French courses. The Alliance 3.0 project, supported by the government of Monaco, will continue until 2019.